Saturday, November 04, 2006

Does Birth Control Pills And Patches Risk Heart Patients?

How does the consumption of the birth control pills affect the risks of the
heart diseases?

It is always not a risk for the healthy and young women to consume the pills
leading to the birth control. Whereas in cases of women in the age group of
say around thirty five years or more consumption of such pills increases the
heart disease risks. Even in the case when the women posses either high
cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or diabetes the heart disease risk
is increased. Not to forget even the women who smoke have high heart disease
risks. It is always advisable to consult the doctor before the consumption
of such birth control pills.

How does the birth control patch affect the risks for the heart disease

Similar to the birth control pills, the birth control patch is found to be
safe for the healthy and the young women. Whereas women in the age group of
thirty five or even more the risks are much higher for such birth control

The latest study made shows that women making the birth control patch are
much more exposed to the estrogen hormone. The estrogen hormone helps in
favoring the likelihood of a women from becoming pregnant. Research is also
in progress to find out whether the birth control patch causes blood clots.
These blood clots can easily lead to an heart stroke or an attack.

Below is a list of symptoms which must be observed for those consuming the
birth control pills

a)Problems in the eyes such as the double or the no vision.
b)Ache in the arm or that of the upper body.
c)Severe headaches.
d)Breathing trouble.
e)Vomiting of the blood.
f)Ache or even swelling in the regions of leg.
g)Change of the color of the skin to yellow h)Lumps in the breast i)Abnormal
bleeding from the vagina, usually heavy bleeding.

If any of the symptoms listed so far is observed. It is always recommended
to take the physician's advice and prescription.
The prescription could be to either take medication or even getting admitted
to the hospital.

About The Author: Justin foss is the proud owner of the site where he spends most of his time to make it

Does Heart Diseases Concern Women?

Should there be any importance given to heart disease by women?

The answer to this question is a simple yes. In America alone, one among
three those who die of an heart disease is a woman.
When compared to the death due to the cancers in the year 2003, two times as
much as this the women died of either stroke and the heart diseases also
known as the cardiovascular disease together. This does not mean that the
heart disease is a concern only to the certain age group of women. Heart
disease is a concern to all the age groups of women.

Humans of both the sexes are prone to heart diseases. The deaths are much
high in the case of the women. This does not mean that the heart diseases
cannot be cured at all. There exists certain treatments which could actually
limit the trouble caused by the heart disease. Such treatments are given in
less than an hour from the occurrence of an heart attack.

It is recommended for a patient to consult the doctor if there exits any
symptoms of heart diseases. On such occasions the doctor provides the
appropriate prescription of the medicines or even ask to get admitted in the

Is complexion a matter of worry to the women?

Experience has proved that either the hispanic, latina or the african women
are more prone to acquire heart disease. This is due to the fact that these
women have high risk factors like the diabetes, obesity and high blood
pressure when compared with the white women population. These factors
increases the risk of heart diseases among the non white women.

It is a high risk of life for those possessing heart disease as well as
having either the diabetes, the obesity or the high blood pressure. A
careful cure and medication towards such additional sickness is there by a

>From the discussion made so far it is very clear that women and
especially the hispanic, latina or the african have risks of the heart
diseases. Besides this, those suffering from the high blood pressure,
obesity and diabetes are clear supplements to the high risks of the heart

About The Author: Justin foss is the proud owner of the site where he spends most of his time to make it

Ultrasound And Other Mid-pregnancy Tests

With advances in technology, even if there was a problem with the prenatal
development of your baby, doctors are able to respond sooner. This is all
made possible due to technologies such as ultrasound. It is a common
misconception that pregnancy testing takes place only once, at the beginning
of your pregnancy. Nothing could be further from the truth - from
ultrasounds to blood tests, you will be bombarded with test after test up
until even the very morning of your delivery date.

1. Primary Testing

Quite a lot of blood work is performed initially for various reasons
including whether you are Rh negative or positive, your immunity to viruses
such as rubella, and whether you have a more serious condition such as
hepatitis B, or HIV. At this initial visit you will also receive a physical
and internal examination to check your capability for giving birth, and if
necessary, a smear test.

2. High Risk Testing

Ultrasound, unfortunately, is not merely a tool that allows the mother to
see her child before it is born, or to determine the sex of the child prior
to childbirth. The real purpose of an ultrasound is very much the same
reason that you might need to get an x- ray - there is something potentially
quite wrong with you beneath your skin where a simple visual analysis is
insufficient. Don't worry, however, this is actually a routine procedure
carried out at 18 weeks for all pregnant women.

3. Ultrasounds Can -

- Determine early the gender of the baby
- Measure the placenta
- Check embryonic fluid composition
- Ensure the umbilical cord is not causing any complications
- Ensure there is no internal bleeding

4. Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy testing against gestational diabetes is carried out on all
pregnant women during their second trimester. This primarily involves
fasting until the test, then drinking a special glucose drink, waiting a
specified period of time and then checking the blood sugar level with a
simple finger prick blood test. If the blood sugar levels are off the charts
then you will have to go for additional blood testing at a later date.

5. Amniocentesis

You are only elidgeable for this level of testing if you are over 35 years
of age or if you have a medical history in your family such as Down's
syndrome. Usually carried out between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, there is
a slight risk of miscarriage as a result of this test so it is not

6. Chorionic Villus Sampling

The most feared and invasive of all pregnancy tests, this is an exhausting
test for a woman to endure. Carried out between weeks 10 and 13 of
pregnancy. This test is only carried out when there is an absolutely urgent
need to determine the health status of the baby.

About The Author: For more great pregnancy related articles and resources
check out